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Group Bands



If you are a private lesson student with us and are ready to take your playing to the next level, consider joining one of our student bands! Our bands rule. They play at our recitals, write songs, make music videos, have cake parties, and more. Sometimes our bands even get to play cool special events too!


Teachers at Deeply Rooted are always looking to pair students into groups that we think will work well together, are on similar levels, and play complementary instruments. So don't be surprised if your teacher talks to you about joining a band!


Check out our school theme song written by a student band...

One of our Core Values at DRMS is collaboration and building a community of musicians. ​

Our bands are a testament to our core value of fostering a tight-knit community of musicians through teamwork and creativity. Whether you're looking to write your first song or perform in front of an audience, our bands provide a supportive and dynamic environment for growth. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with fellow music enthusiasts and create something truly special together!

interested in joining a band?

For those interested in joining a band at Deeply Rooted Music School, it's important to note that our current bands are at full capacity. However, we're excited about the prospect of welcoming new members, as we anticipate a new round of band enrollment in the summer of 2024. If you have a student who is interested in joining, we encourage you to reach out to us by emailing

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