Sponsor a Student
The Deeply Rooted Music School mission is to empower students from all backgrounds, identities, and walks of life to express themselves through music with collaboration, creativity, and fun. To make this dream accessible for to all students, we have created a Scholarship Match Program.
Our Scholarship Match Program allows students who cannot afford music lessons or cannot afford all of their music lessons to answer some questions and be matched with a donor who pays for all or part of that student’s lessons directly. The Donors can choose types or qualifications of students they would like to support, but we do prioritize high need students when possible. Some Donors may want to reach out to their students while others choose to remain anonymous. We ask our students to respect that choice, but you will always be invited to come and see any performances from your students with whom you have matched.
If you would like to sponsor a student for full or partial semester scholarship, please fill out the form below. Your answers will be kept secured by Deeply Rooted Music School and will not be published. Your Student will not see your answers directly, nor will your teachers. You may choose to leave blank any part of the form (except your name), but please be warned that the less information we have, the harder it may be to make a match.
Once we have your answers, we search our database for the student who is the best match with your answers. We will send you a notification with the student name and a brief bio once we have determined this, as well as the current cost of their classes for this semester. You will then be able to accept or reject the Match, or ask if you can make a partial payment of classes. If there are multiple students who may Match with you, we will send you the student in the greatest need first. If there are multiple students of great need, we will send you the one who has been waiting in our system the longest. You can always reject your Match, but we do ask that once you accept, you pay within forty-eight hours of acceptance so that a student is not left without promised lessons.
If you feel unable to pay for a student’s entire semester or half of one, you can still be one of our “Group Donors”. Our Group Donors provide what they can and we allocate the funds in order of need for our students. If you have preferences, we will honor those when we can, but you will not be entitled to accept or reject matches as part of the Group Donor fund. Click here to make a one-time donation.
Please do note that Deeply Rooted Music School is not a not-for-profit organization. Your participation in the Match Program ensures not only that a student is given music lessons, but that a music teacher is able to earn a living wage. However, this does mean that this will not be a tax-deductible contribution. We do hope to have a not-for-profit sister company in the future to manage this program, depending upon its success now. If you are interested in assisting with that goal, there is a place for that on the form.
Please reach out to us with any questions! Thank you for your generosity and support of the arts.